
Walk In The Forest A Journal Spread by Lynne Moncrieff



I could not resist playing with the Katzelkraft stamps once more, this time in a That's Crafty! journal and in this post I will share how I set about constructing the book, one of the spreads and the cover of this journal.  

Along with a host of That's Crafty products I also utilized scrappy pieces of stained papers and fabrics to try to evoke the sense of walking in the forest and the crunching of brittle leaves underfoot. 



With all of the That's Crafty! Journals, you can simply apply your media to the actual pages but often I work a different way by either preparing or utilizing cardstock I have already prepared with That's Crafty! media, in this instance walnut ink, Grey Multi-Surface Paint and Pearl Inks, to cover the Craftyboard Journal pages. 

I then rooted around in a box of stained papers and tags - small shipping tags stained with walnut ink (dissolving the crystals in a large screw top jar and dipping the tags into this jar) and cardstock sprayed with the walnut ink (decanting the dissolved walnut ink into spray bottle).

The Journal comes packaged with book rings but I wanted to find another way to bind this book so I set about stamping text from The Language of Trees stamp set onto stained calico (this was re-cycled from the backing for curtains). There was no measuring involved, simply judging roughly the size I wanted and ensuring the edges were raggedy, folding down the length of the piece of fabric before adhering to two Journal pages to form a hinge.

From the box of stained papers and fabric, stamping the mushrooms with the Jet Black ink onto a variety of pieces.

The fussy cut mushroom was layered onto a fragment of rusted rice paper and then tucked behind the top of the mushroom, a circle cut from painted cardstock using the A4 Stencil Circles and behind this, a gathering of walnut ink stained handmade paper and a small tag again stained with walnut ink and then stamped with the Spirit of the Woodland stamp. 

The same stamp, this time stamped onto a tag with a 

piece of mica tile layered over the stamped image. 

For the cover, one of the text stamps from the Katzelkraft Mushpignons set, walk in the forest, stamped onto walnut ink stained cardstock and 

layered with other paper and fabric fragments beneath a piece of mica tile.
Thank you for your visit today and I will be sharing more spreads from this journal either here or on Instagram.



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