
Seasonal Cards by Fliss Goodwin



Merry Christmas everyone!

My last post of this year features a trio of fairly clean and simple cards which are really easy to make and can easily be made in bulk and involve a bit of therapeutic colouring too.

Step by Step

I've done 2 different card designs as I couldn't quite make up my mind between square cards and rectangular ones so I decided to make both!

The rectangular version is on a sheet of A4 smooth white card that was cut into 4 A6 size pieces and I chose to use 5 x 7 card blanks so that a good bit of the kraft card was showing for a lovely contrast.

I took a set of lovely seasonal greenery stamps designed by our Melina and as I wanted to add a seasonal text panel across the centre, it didn't actually matter if the stamping underneath looked a bit messy. 
I chose various stamps from the set and stamped them on the A6 panels with black ink so that I had sprigs pointing upwards and downwards. I then coloured the images with Zig brush pens as shown below.

To turn the panels into cards, I added a contrasting mat in red or purple to tone with the berries and created the text panel by stamping it on a strip of white card with embossing ink and heat embossing it with gold powder. I added red or purple then gold card mats to the text and glued everything to a kraft card blank measuring 5 x 7 inches.

The square card was created on a square of smooth white card cut to fit a kraft card blank and leave a narrow border. I stamped berry sprigs all around the edges, leaving rooom for the text I planned to add.

I coloured the images as before with Zig brush pens and stamped the Christmas text on at the bottom right of the panel. I added a little colour with red and green pens.

I glued the panel to my card blank to finish. Very easy to do and a great way to make a batch of cards.


Kraft Card Blanks
Scraps of Red and Purple Card

Have a really great Christmas and see you next year!

Fliss x

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