
Light, Darkness A Book by Lynne Moncrieff



A style of book known as a Slit Book was something I was aware of but it took the reading of Bound by Rachel Hazell for me to finally try my hand.

It was a lightbulb moment as I folded the paper. That first formed Slit Book became the first of a trio with a running theme, I might share one of those books in a future post because it does heavily feature the upcoming That's Crafty! Acrylic Wax.

For this book, I wanted it to be almost a minimal style, echoing the light and darkness inspired by the PaperArtsy EAB stamp.


That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set Texture Collection Set 2
That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set Lynne's Wildflowers Set 2
That's Crafty! Texture Paste
That's Crafty! Surfaces Specialised Paper Pack (Rice Paper)
That's Crafty! Mixed Media Paper/Card Kit (corrugated cardboard)
13arts Ayeeda Mist Pearl Clear
PaperArtsy Eclectica Alison Bomber EAB02
PaperArtsy Eclectica EEA02
Archival Ink Designer Series Watering Can
A4 sheet of paper (I worked with Khadi Cotton Rag) and Khadi handmade paper scraps
Stabilo Watersoluble Pencil Black
Watercolour Brush
Gel Medium


Following instructions to make the Slit Book, once formed I began applying Texture Paste.

It was  applied relatively thickly in some areas as I wanted to create a heavy textural appearance, with cracks forming in areas by bending the paper when the Texture Paste was almost dry. The paste was applied to every page including front and rear covers.

It is a relatively quick drying paste but as I applied it so thickly in areas, I allowed for longer drying time.

Meantime, I stamped Wildflowers onto the beautiful rice paper. To create a feathered edge around the stamped images, I lightly dipped a paintbrush into water, "drawing" an edge around the stamped edges, allowing the rice paper to pull gently away from the stamped image.

Onto scraps of the Rice Paper, I stamped a favourite stamp of mine from PaperArtsy EEA02, an EAB quote and the words "light" and "darkness" from another EAB quote.

With the stamped elements gathered and a few scraps of corrugated cardboard swiped with Gesso, it was time to enjoy assembling the book.

I roughly had an idea of placement of the Wildflowers and quote. Normally I don't really have a plan but it was to give me a guideline for where I would create shadow and depth with Stabilo watersoluble pencil, manipulating with water and watercolour brush/soft brush.

For the front cover, the ever useful circle/coffee ring stain was stamped onto the lower corner with Watering Can ink, with the stamped words added to the centre. Towards the spine, the stamped marks were layered with a scrap of the Gesso'ed corrugated cardboard.

Pages 1, 2

A stamped Wildflower was adhered, not taking the Gel Medium fully to the edges, creating the softness of a feathered edge here and there. I elongated the stem of the Wildflower and continued the line of the Stabilo pencil, blending again with water, so that it covered the Rice paper image,

with a grouping of scraps on the facing page of stamped rice paper, corrugated cardboard and a teeny scrap of handmade paper.

Pages 3, 4

By only partially inking up this Wildflower, it allowed the placement I wanted on the left side of the page, with the stamped quote on the opposite page.

Pages 5, 6

A lone, stamped Wildflower with only the EEA marks stamped on the facing page. I wanted this to have a solitary feel, to echo the lonely feeling of darkness but also to have, contradictory, a sense of lightness around the upper area of the Wildflower.

13arts Ayeeda Mist Pearl Clear was applied. Instead of spraying, I dipping a small brush into the bottle, applying the brush to selected areas. This allowed me more control to be selective in placement, such as the darkest areas of Stabilo pencil.

From above

Instantly, this style of book gripped me. It certainly opens the eyes and mind to what constitutes a book. For anyone who wants to dip into making books but finds it a daunting prospect, all this requires is one sheet of paper and scissors/craft knife and in la few minutes, a book is formed, ready for you to lay your mark upon it.

Until next time,

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  1. I have never made a slit book but you have certainly inspired me to look into it, your little book is absolutely stunning Lynne, I love how you decorated pages, they go beautifully with Alison's quote and you definitely achieved lightness and darkness! Anne xx

  2. I adore this ! Lynne. The neutral tones, the fabulous texture and the simplicity of the stamping leaving so much open space......

  3. Absolutely beautiful Lynne, the textures and stamping are gorgeous and the whole effect is so ethereal.
    Fliss xx

  4. Anne, Amanda, Fliss and Sam (and Poppy!) Thank you all so much for your warm words of support.

  5. Halo, Lynne! This would be a REAL challenge for me as I find it hard to stop working on page :) I've been I'll for a while and am anxious to get going again. I love the simplicity of this book and will let you know how I'm doing on it! Sharon xx

  6. Halo, Lynne! This would be a REAL challenge for me as I find it hard to stop working on page :) I've been I'll for a while and am anxious to get going again. I love the simplicity of this book and will let you know how I'm doing on it! Sharon xx

  7. This is so beautiful, Lynne - atmospheric and meditative. I'm so behind with visiting other people, but very happy that I caught this.
    Alison x


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