
Always Look For Rainbows by Fliss Goodwin



In common with Gill I have a topical rainbow to show appreciation for our brave and amazing NHS workers to share this week which is one of the samples I created for the Hochanda shows yesterday and you might just have spotted it on the counter next to the stamp display.
 If you haven't seen them there's always rewind. Well worth a look as Jo is back in the studio now doing amazing demos in person and who could miss that!

Step by Step:

This is really easy to create as I used one of the gorgeous new papers from Melina as a starting point from the pack Pastels and Rainbow, choosing one in soft shades of pink, blue and yellow with plenty of white space. I cut a piece to roughly fit the square back piece of the MDF Upright.

I chose some Multi Surface Paints to form my rainbow of colour, using Bright Red, Orange, Mustard Yellow, Green, Bright Blue, Midnight and Bright Purple. I taped the Floral Frenzy mask in place and used make-up sponges to create a rainbow, starting in the left hand top corner. I carried on until I had made a complete rainbow of colour.

I glued the paper in place on the back panel, trimming off the small amount of excess paper. I then used the paint left on the sponge with the midnight colour on to add an edge to the piece.

I painted the base with red, orange and yellow paints and glued the back panel in place when it was dry.

I stamped my chosen fish on smooth cartridge paper with black ink and heat embossed the image with clear powder. I then took Satin inks in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Turquoise, Deep Blue and Violet and painted a rainbow on the fish. I cut him out and glued him in place as shown.

My text was created with one of Lynne's Affirmations which I stamped on a scrap of orange paper with black ink and heat embossed with clear powder. I snipped it out into word tiles as I wanted to slightly alter the original text which said "She always looked for rainbows" and I needed Always look for rainbows, which you can see is easy to achieve.


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  1. Love your rainbow fish card most definitely brightens up the day
    Amanda x

  2. So bright and beautiful! The fish is gorgeous, I must think about trying those inks sometime. Stay safe xxxx


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