
Seahorse Gazing by Fliss Goodwin


Hi there, my project this week came about as I challenged myself to finally get the hang of working with acrylic surfaces, which I have to admit have rather scared me up to now. I think this one has helped break me in and will hopefully encourage anyone else who’s a bit nervous to give it a go too.


DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylic Paints – Primary Magenta, Cobalt Teal Hue, Primary Cyan
StazOn Ink – Jet Black, Olive Green
Glass Paints such as Pentart
Glitter Glue – lots!
Extras – Paper Towel, Sequins


There was a bit of serendipity involved in the creation of the back panel of my acrylic stack as I first added dots of the acrylic paints and spread the colours with a brayer. As there was a bit too much paint I blotted the panel with a paper towel. When I pulled it off, I then discovered that the paint covered paper towel looked rather more interesting than the panel due to the texture and mottled look to the paint so I glued it over the top and then cut off the excess. Serendipity definitely ruled here!

I then stamped Marina on a piece of mixed media paper, having first measured to see how much of her would fit on the panel and stamping her right on the edge of the paper at the point that worked best. I coloured her with watercolour pencils and then covered the body with sequins. I added details with glitter glue in various shades to give the first touches of bling.

I then worked on my acrylic panels, starting off with the seahorses which I stamped on the front side of the 2 inner sections, making sure to place them so that they appeared one behind the other. I then painted them on the reverse with glass paints (at the second attempt as I confess that I forgot to remove the backing and had to peel it off along with the paint and do it again!!!). When the paint was dry, I gave the seahorses a coat of glitter glue.

I stamped the seaweed on either side of the front of the top panel, adding some in the middle a bit further down to leave a slight gap. I painted the seaweed on the reverse with a slightly more hefty dose of green glitter glue than intended but it does give some fab bling.

I assembled the panel as you see, gluing Marina on at an angle and adding a flower to her hair. I think she really does look as if she’s seahorse gazing.

Have a great weekend and see you next week.

Fliss x

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  1. I don't quite understand what acrylic stacks are but this looks fabulous! Love her sequins


  2. Marina looks Dazzling Fliss, you really have sussed out how to work with acrylic, I am still a little cautious with it but this has inspired me to give it another go.. Thank you for sharing Fliss.. Hugs Tracey xx

  3. Love your sparkling girl! Wonderful depth and colours with the stack xx

  4. You are speaking ,exactly just my thoughts about the acrylics, Fliss, I have not dared to use mine yet! But your wonderful fairytale here, tell me I soon have to try. So beautiful water plants, they looks just ,like the ones, I see, when looking into the ocean , in some places here on the island :-) shiny wet, and with the glitter in green and yellow, when sun shines . And love Marina in her sequin dress , and the wonderful background !! Dorthe, xx <3

  5. Looks like you've cracked it with this make Fliss, looks fabulous
    Amanda x

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE, Marina really does look like she's floating in water,amazing depth
    Donna xx

  7. Absolutely beautiful Fliss! Xxx

  8. What a GORGEOUS background and then you added the SHIMMERING SPLENDOR of your sea life! LOVELY and FUN! Xj.


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