Church Window ATC by Alison Hall


Hi Everyone! I have a little mixed media ATC to share with you today.

Here's what I used...

That's Crafty! Dinky Stencils - Church Window, Hole In The Wall
PaperArtsy Fresco Finish Paint - Hint of Mint, Brown Shed
Ranger Archival Ink Pad - Forget-Me-Not, Jet Black

Here's what I did...

1. I began by painting my ATC with a coat of Hint of Mint Fresco Paint. 

2. Next, I stamped the French Lily Background with Forget-Me-Not Archival Ink, then I dried this with my heat gun.

3. I used a palette knife to apply 3D Gloss Gel through the Church Window Dinky Stencil. I carefully dried this with my heat gun. The gel bubbled a bit, but I rather like this effect.

4. I replaced the Church Window stencil, and rubbed gold rush gilding wax over the gel, then I used the Sharpie pen to outline the window.

5. Next, I partially stencilled the Hole in the Wall on the left of my ATC around the window, with Brown Shed Fresco Paint. 

6. I used Jet Black Archival Ink to stamp the honeycombe part of the French lily Background just on the lefthand edge of my ATC.

7. To finish, I inked the edges of my ATC with the black Archival ink pad, then added a chitchat word sticker.

Happy crafting,

Alison x

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  1. Great patterns and textures Alison, and what would we do without good old Treasure Gold! Xx 😀

  2. Gorgeously textured creation Alison and love the touches of gilding.
    Fliss xx

  3. Love how you've used the window stencil.
    Amanda x

  4. Gorgeous ,shows off the fab Dinky stencils to perfection ;)
    Donna xx

  5. I like that church window stencil and your gold touches make it extra nice Alison!
    Brilliant what you accomplished on an ATC.

  6. Clever way to use the stencil and lots of lovely texture great ATC

  7. Of Fab Alison love it xx

  8. Fabulous ATC - love that bubbled texture.
    Alison x


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