Monday 13 July 2020

Time Piece by Rachel Harries

This week I got really inspired by some paper which then ended up being completely lost in the design but its what generated the idea. If you are following this step by step be sure to go through to the end before starting as I changed the design slightly part way through as I felt it needed a slightly different look, its not a massive difference but it will save you a little bit of work.

I started with a  large and a small Upright  and was inspired by the clock on some beautiful Craft O'Clock  paper to make this piece all about time. I adhered some of the paper to the back plates and stands and sanded back the edges (I will add the photos of this initial  part of the design so you can see how it looked and make your own choice if it is something you prefer).

I then took a stencil and some Sand Texture Paste and added this to part of the large back plate.

I then sprayed some elements with Ayeeda sprays in Pastel Turquoise and Patina Bronze (again had I realised I was going to change the design I would have waited until everything was stuck in place and gessoed it all)

I used some wax on these elements and stuck them in position.

I filled the middle of the clock space with a clear gloss gel (again this isn't necessary if you are wanting the final look I have but you have to try things to know what you like).

I used white gesso on the rest of the surface and once that was dry I used the same Ayeeda sprays shielding the clock area and adding water spray and then drying between layers.

I added black gesso to the resin elements I wanted to add to my design, I then put them where I liked the look of them (had I known I was going to change the design I could have gessoed them in place but when you are wanting to keep a contrasting background it is better to colour your pieces separately to avoid contamination).

I add element to the smaller Upright and stick it in place on the main piece.

It was at this point I realised I didn't like the contrast so I added some black gesso and extra elements.

I then added some waxes to highlight areas and add colour.

I hope you like this project, stay safe.


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