Tuesday 14 July 2020

It's Just Rock & Roll by Amanda Southern

Hi Everyone
Well I've had the most hectic week so my crafty time this week has been non existent so I hope you don't mind me sharing another of the pieces that I made for the recent launch on Hochanda of the new range of stamps designed by Kelly Horton which saw her Little Darlings designs turned into stamps for the first time. Along with that launch That's Crafty! also added to their range of Craftyboard pieces, many of which I have used in the creation of this piece. 

My inspiration for this piece came from a well known logo used by an iconic rock band, I think you could guess which one.

Here's What I Did:

With the introduction of Kelly's Steampunk Darlings stamps also came 2 sets of accessories stamps and this piece uses stamps from those, well Set 1 to be accurate.

I stamped the skull with his floral hat along with a couple of the pocket watches, they were all coloured with coloured pencils and cut out and put to one side whilst I built up the pieces that they were to be mounted on. The main frame is one of the large Craftyboard shapes and is the largest of the ornate frames available. I painted it with black gesso and then a top painting of metallic antique silver when dry I lighting rubbed over some silver wax, you could achieve a similar effect by lightly brushing on silver paint. I then took several of the other Craftyboard pieces, flowers, clock face, wings, scrolls and roses and painted them all using a selection of colours of That's Crafty! Multi Surface Paints, the roses also had a little silver wax brushed over them. The Craftyboard roses are open and I wanted to give them a back so created a crackle background on card using a base layer of black paint followed by a layer of crackle glaze and then once it had the correct drying time a top layer of bright red paint and watched the crackles appear, you can never tire of watching that happen.

Once all was dry I glued the rose frames to it and cut them out. I then put all my pieces together to create my decorated frame.

I added the words Rock & Roll using letters from the Craftyboard Alphabet Set 2, the letters were painted silver and I dry brushed black paint onto the bottom half of each letter to give an ombre look to the words. As the Craftyboard is quite light and to also give the piece more depth I mounted the frame onto a small MDF circle and then again onto a larger MDF circle, both circles were painted with black gesso and left like that as the gesso has a fantastic coverage and leaves a matt finish.

Here's What I Used:
The rest of Kelly's stamps can be found HERE
Silver gilding wax this would give the same effect HERE

So here's to Rock & Roll and have a great week and I will see you all next Tuesday
Amanda X

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, so much drama, so many stories woven into the layers. Love the romantic red roses - but then the skull, so love is dead... Or maybe with all those ticking clocks it's just running out of time... Brilliant!
    Alison x


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