Sunday 14 October 2018

Hope by Lynne Moncrieff


This week I am sharing a project made as a sample for That's Crafty's appearance recently on HOCHANDA.

A large white/greyboard tag was my substrate of choice for this project layered with teabag paper (of course!).

With the Word Flowers, I wanted versatility, to not be confined to only using the stamp as a whole, choosing to only ink up a word if that is all that's required for a project.  Here I selected the word "hope" from the Word Flowers Set 1


That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set Lynne's Word Flowers Set 1 (inking up word Hope)
That's Crafty! Surfaces White/Greyboard Tag 4.2"x8" #10
That's Crafty! Surfaces Teabag Paper
That's Crafty! Surfaces Mixed Media Paper/Card Kit (calico)
That's Crafty! Walnut Crystals (part of the fabulous Tea Bag and Walnut Crystals Pack)
That's Crafty! 8"x8" Mandala Stencil TC8014
That's Crafty!Multi-Surface  Interference Gold Paint
That's Crafty! Texture Paste
That's Crafty! Flat Matte Sprays: Ochre, Sage, Blackberry
That's Crafty! Lustre Spray Gold, Lustre Aubergine
Memento Ink Tuxedo Black
Gel Medium
Dried Hydrangea
Small Shipping Tag
Handmade Paper


Apply Gesso to white/greyboard tag. It's not necessary but I like to prep with Gesso, applying in a random fashion. Tear pieces of teabag paper, applying randomly to tag.

Apply dissolved walnut crystals to tag before spraying with  Flat Matte Sprays and Lustre Gold.

I had this piece of stencilled element to hand but to make from scratch, stencil the central area of that fabulous Mandala stamp, with the Texture Paste onto a piece of stained shipping tag (if I remember, I had used the tag to mop up walnut ink and some Flat Matte sprays, saturating the tag). Once dry, cut around the shape, applying Lustre Aubergine and some Interference Gold paint with fingertips.  Layer to left side of tag with piece of teabag paper which mopped up excess Aubergine Lustre Spray and Blackberry Spray.

For the wee tag with the word "hope", stain two shipping tags with the sprays (simply use them to mop up excess spray colour from the craft mat). Tear bottom edge from one tag, stamping word "hope" from Word Flower. Layer to the other tag, with a piece of Blackberry and Lustre Aubergine stained calico adhere to the rear of the tags.  

Adhere tag to panel, along with the feather. Dip finger into Interference Gold paint, dabbing onto the hole reinforcer on tag. 

Adhere dried hydrangea, layering to handmade and teabag paper scraps which have again been stained. Finally, mist the panel with Lustre Aubergine.

The Lustre Aubergine and use of Flat Matte Spray Blackberry colours inspired me so much in the samples made for HOCHANDA, normally I don't dip into such colours but the Lustre Aubergine in particular has been a revelation for me.  It was timely to add dried hydrangeas to this project. Many people find "hope" from nature, the blossoming of flowers against the odds and I see it in this hydrangea which suffered from the hard winter but still this year, gave a beautiful display of blooms for us to enjoy.

Until next time,


  1. Dear Lynne, reading your beautiful words, I so agree with you, nature show us the way, so often- if we take a closer look.
    The tag is amazingly beautiful, such wonderful tones, you mixed, and the walnut giving shadows and a feeling of texture. I love the little tag with your word, and the aubergine lustre spray truly creates wonders!!!
    My dear friend, thank you for a beautiful visit here . <3 xxx

  2. Just beautiful Lynne. Wonderful textures and layers as always and the pretty dried hydrangea petal and feather are perfect finishing touches.
    Fliss xx

  3. It is a wonderful thing to see when nature keeps on giving, just like your creations Lynne.
    A beautiful display with those delicate tones, amazing how just one colour can trigger creativity. Stunning.
    Creative wishes Tracey xx

  4. Absolutely Gorgeous and one of my very favorites Lynne!
    Jackie xo


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