Thursday 18 August 2016

Textured Mirror by Laura

I think everyone has an Ikea mirror lurking somewhere! I’ve got several of them as they are great for trying out new techniques on.

I started by spreading the crackle paste through the Dinky Abstract Stones Stencil with a palette knife. I started in each corner and then worked my way around. In some places I waited for the crackle paste to dry before doing the next section and I made sure to turn the stencil, so the pattern was random and not uniform.

When the crackle paste was dry and cracked, I painted the whole of the mirror in Cobalt Turquoise Hue. I only wanted this colour to show through in some places (particularly the deeper cracks), so I then started to dry brush the other Media colours on randomly, building the colours until I was happy with the result.

I really enjoyed the colour building process of this project, as I wasn’t really sure what the finished piece would look like and it turned out to be a nice surprise!

Products Used: 

Ikea Mirror
DecoArt Media Paints - Cobalt Turquoise Hue, Carbon, Black, Quinacridone Gold, Transparent Red Iron Oxide


  1. It looks fabulous Laura and those paints really do give an amazing effect, so shimmery and show up the texture perfectly.
    Fliss xx

  2. Gosh, doesn't it look like leather! Lovely xx

  3. I've seen this in real life and I still can't believe it's not leather, it does look sooooo realistic!
    Donna xx

  4. Wow Laura - looks like a very expensive moc croc leather! FABULOUS! j.

  5. Brilliant Laura! You might be surprised to learn I am the person who doesn't have an IKEA mirror
    Amanda x

  6. Corking mirror gorgeous effect love those mirrors for playing with

  7. Laura, this is incredible! The depth to the texture is sublime.
    I do have one mirror but saving for a rainy day because I'm unable to make a journey to Ikea, it is so far away.


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