Sunday 11 October 2020

She a Journal by Lynne Moncrieff


(Cover of Journal/Book)

Working in journals/books is very much a personal exploration. I can only speak from my own point of view and maybe it is just indicative of the way that I generally work whether collage, assemblage, etc, I find that the project grows as you work in it and a discussion unfolds in my head which is where the free flowing journaling appears, allowing my thoughts to quickly tumble out, without care over penmanship, it is very freeing to work this way and something I was hesitant to do for some time, believing writing had to appear neat. 

The book shown in this post (and the video I will be sharing on social media) is probably a starting point as I feel the need to later, add words, to give a representation of my thoughts as I worked with the images.


Idea-ology Tim Holtz Photobooth Images
Extars: rusty safety pin, muslin, re-cycled white tissue paper.


That's Crafty! CraftyBoard Journals are such a clever idea and as I have written previously, the CraftyBoard is substantial for Mixed Media. 

This is a photo of the CraftyBoard Journal with the extras provided and I need to add that Bookrings are also provided.

For a previous Journal I applied the media straight onto the CraftyBoard but for this particular journal, I had a stock of prepared painted papers and decided to use them to adhere to each panel. I have included the supplies I used for the painted papers.

The painted cardstock adhered to the Journal pages and edges abraded. 

With the Pearl Ink, I made marks onto scraps of paper, some coated with Acrylic Liquid Wax before making marks.

With Walnut Ink (crystals dissolved and decanted into spray bottle), muslin and tissue paper were sprayed. 

I will share photos from all the pages but to give a wee insight into details, here is a step photo where with a dip pen, I journalled onto the photobooth image. For the circle, stencilled and cut out from more painted cardstock and again free flowing journaling with inky blots.

On all pages, I journalled directly onto the page. Again, I work with a loose, free flowing style, quickly scribbling down thoughts relating to the particular theme of the journal and I love making inky blots by collecting too much ink on the dip pen. 

Another page where I journalled and added a circle.

The book in its prepared state along with the bookrings which are supplied but I knew I would bind the book either with dyed twine/sari ribbon.

A circle was stencilled/cut out from painted cardstock before layered with stained muslin.

Pages 1 & 2

I don't tend to gravitate towards Idea-ology/Tim Holtz products but I remembered I had a pack of photo booth images kicking around.  The size was perfect for the focal of the pages for this journal and later I know I will add words (possibly typed) to convey a theme which was brewing in my head as I worked on this journal. 

Pages 3 & 4

The beauty of the That's Crafty! range of journals is that they are a blank canvas, you can paint, ink, collage, include fabric pages, whatever your desire to make the blank journals become a representation of you and your art. There is also the advantage of adding your own papers/fabric pages.

Pages 5 & 6

Pages 7 & 8

On page 7, a torn Rice Paper butterfly rests on top of the journaling.

Pages 9 & 10

If the Pearl Inks become a little thick, I decant into a small container, top up with a little water and agitate before dipping in with a dip pen to journal and make inky blotches.

Pages 11 & 12

Thank you for taking the time to look at this post and maybe you will catch the flip through video on my Instagram/Facebook pages.



1 comment:

  1. This is amazing. I really do love neutrals and I keep wanting to try the walnut crystals. Just a lovely piece of work xx


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