Thursday 23 July 2020

Be You, Bravely! by Amanda Pink

Hi Everyone 

Welcome to my weekly DT post. 

This week I am sharing an art panel I've created that features some of Seth Apters Aladine Izink dye sprays, gesso, Tim Holtz collage paper, Ideology and one of Tims much loved paper dolls who've I've come to know as 'Edward'. 

For the background I worked on mixed media paper cut to size. This was covered with a piece of Tim Holtz Type Set collage paper that I adhered and sealed with matte medium. 

I then sponged some white gesso around the collage paper quite freely before 'hitting' the page with colour using 4 of Seth Apters Aladine Izink dyes sprays: Sunflower, Honey, Seaspray and Turquoise. 

I continued spritzing away building up colour until I was happy. 
When dry I rubbed gently over the surface with an 'almost dry' wet wipe. This revealed textural areas of white where I'd sponged the gesso - in other words the gesso (in this instance) had acted as a 'resist' to  the colour of the dye sprays. 

For a touch more texture I added some stencil detail using black modelling paste with Tim Holtz 'Grime' layering stencil. I ran the paste around the sides of the background panel too before matt n layering onto a double card mount and finally a greyboard panel that I painted black. 

A couple of pieces cut from Seth Apters die embellished the top right ....

....and the bottom left corners . They were both accented with a single brad. 

A Tim Holtz metal ruler with a memo pin marker proved to be the perfect 'posing spot'..... 

....for a dapper young chap, like Edward. 

It was his first time in the spotlight so being a little nervous he drew on a few words of advice he'd been given earlier... 'Be You Bravely!' 

Products I used

That's Crafty! Surfaces Greyboard
Black Card, Pale Grey Card
That's Crafty! Multi Purpose Adhesive
Black Acrylic Paint
That's Crafty! White Gesso
DecoArt Matte Medium
DecoArt Black Modelling Paste
SethApter/Aladine Izink Dye Sprays: Seaspray, Turquoise, Sunflower, Honey
Seth Apter Spellbinder Dies: Ring Around'
Tim Holtz Layering Stencil: Grime (THS130)
Tim Holtz Type Set Collage Paper
Tim Holtz Small Talk Stickers 
Tim Holtz Vintage Paper Dolls
Tim Holtz Ideology: Measurements, Metal Fastenings, Memo Pin, Hitch Fastener screw.
Palette knife
Paper Trimmer 
Spray box
Wet Wipe

Thanks for spending some time with me and Edward today. Hope to see you again soon 
Have a super creative week 
Take Care 


  1. Stunningly vivid colour and glorious layers - love this one, Amanda!
    Alison x

    1. Thank so much Alison and thanks too for taking the time to pop by . Really appreciate x

  2. Gesso is such a versatile "tool" in the art world, isn't it? Here, it provides a surprise ending that I love. You, Seth and Tim make a wonderful trio! Well done, my friend! Oh, I do love Edward, too! :-)

    1. It is Kay, absolutely! Thank you so much for you kind words and compliment. I'm totally humbled. Edward told me to let you know that he loves you too :)
      Thanks too for taking the time to stop by and for always being so supportive.
      I really appreciate.
      A xx


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