Wednesday 10 June 2020

Paint a Rainbow by Gill Humphrey

Rainbows have become the sign of hope, of caring and our emergency services and so I felt a rainbow project would be an appropriate post for this week.

This large piece is deceptively easy to make and would be a lovely gift to give to any member of the emergency services. 

I have used a 10" x 16" canvas for my base and primed it with That's Crafty! White Gesso. Once the gesso was dry I took the Christmas Red, Orange, Mustard Yellow, Green, Ocean, Teal and Purple Multi Surface Paints and added a "dollop" for want of a better word of each of them along the top of the canvas before spraying liberally with water to get them to flow down the canvas and to merge the edges of the colours. To add texture to the piece I then scattered a large handful of rock salt over my piece and left it to dry overnight. The salt sucks up the water and creates a mottled affect which I like a lot.

I used That's Crafty! Craftyboard Alphabet 1 for the words " paint a" colouring them with the Black Multi Surface Paint. I chose the That's Crafty! Stamp Set - Alphabet to spell out the word rainbow and coloured them with the rainbow of paints I used previously. When these were dry I coated all of the letters with That's Crafty! Liquid Acrylic Wax.

I then adhered my title in place using the That's Crafty! Craft Adhesive Glue Pen as this applicator is convienient and allows precise application to small pieces.

Stay safe, enjoy your crafting and don't forget to drop by next week. 

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful rainbow of paint Gill and love the simplicity of design which really makes it pop.
    Fliss xx


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