Friday 5 June 2020

Imagination and Vision - A Tag by Fliss Goodwin


I have a mixed media tag to share this week with a technique to create a 3D effect with a stencil which came about by accident - in my case serendipity is a rather frequent visitor and this accident was definitely a happy one!

What I Did:

My substrate is an MDF tag in the largest size which I covered with a piece of paper chosen from a pack designed by Amanda Southern which is a lovely shade of teal with distressed areas in a brownish grey.

I then took a mandala mask and applied a pattern in 3 areas with Purple Multi Surface Paint using a make-up sponge.

I next added some stamping with my favourite Einstein text stamp using black ink. I stamped without using a block as I wanted a grungy look.

At this point I had a bit of an accident as I managed to drop my black ink pad at the bottom of the tag, ending up with a black streak! I attempted to cover it up by stamping with the alpha text image from the same set as the other stamp. This didn't work as well as I hoped so my thinking hat went on.

I decided to add some more stencilling which I first did with white gesso. This didn't show up enough so I repeated the stencilling with Yellow then Orange Multi Surface Paints, moving the stencil a little to the left each time. As you can see, the stepping giving a rather 3D look which I think is rather cool.

Happy with the background, I set about making my embellishments. I stamped some butterflies on scraps of papers (Amanda Southern designs) in citrus shades using black ink and heat embossing with clear powder. I cut these out.

I took one of the larger Craftyboard light bulbs which I covered with black ink and heat embossed with clear powder. I added a scrap of yellow paper to it and brushed this with a couple of coats of Acrylic Liquid Wax.

I stamped my chosen text on a scrap of yellow paper with black ink, distressing it a little by pressing lightly on the ink pad and running black around the edges.

I glued everything in place, adding bodies to the butterflies made from Craftyboard waste painted black. I then brushed the butterflies and text with some Acrylic Liquid Wax for a lovely sheen to finish.


That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set - Arty Wings
That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set - Numbers and Scripts
That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set - Lynne's Affirmations Set 9
That's Crafty! Surfaces - MDF Tag Size 10
That's Crafty! Surfaces Craftyboard - Lightbulbs
That's Crafty! Paper Pack - Perfect Backgrounds Set 1 by Amanda Southern
That's Crafty! 8 ins Mask - Mandala 1 by Melina Dahl
That's Crafty! 8 x 8ins Stencil - TC8036 Circle Line
That's Crafty! Multi Surface Paints - Orange, Purple, Yellow
That's Crafty! White Gesso
That's Crafty! Acrylic Liquid Wax
VersaFine Clair Nocturne Ink
Clear Embossing Powder 

Have a great weekend and see you next week.

Fliss x  


  1. Absolutely brilliant necessity is the mother of invention!!! I love what you came up with and will definitely be giving it a go ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you so much Rachel, so kind of you and do let me know if you give it a go (works very well with all sorts of stencils) xxx

  2. Fab tag Fliss and thanks for using my papers
    Amanda x


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