Saturday 28 March 2020

Love the Face! by Helen Chilton

Love these face stamps by Alexa - there's so much you can do with them.

I've painted my background with some of the new satin inks - they blend well and dry quickly. I use cheap, cut up sponges to apply.

As they're translucent, the colours underneath shine through.

Just keep reworking each colour until you're happy.

When the ink's dry, stamp the face on top.

Then I paint the whole face in white and add flesh tones as well - much easier than trying to go round all the features.

It's then easy to stamp the face again over the top.

I used a circular stencil - one of Melina's - with Teal and White paint.

Use the inks to colour in the hair, eyes etc.

There are several sets of Alexa's faces, all different, so you can have a lot of fun. You can mix and match the hairstyles, add extra plaits, buns, ponytails or whatever to create different looks.

Hope you've enjoyed this post.


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful layered detail Helen and love the touches of white which really bring the image to light.
    Fliss xx


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