Sunday 1 September 2019

Daydreaming Butterfly by Lynne Moncrieff


A few "randoms" formed the outline of an idea in my mind for this collage. The stamped butterfly which had been "floating around" for the longest time, deciding I had to finally find a home for it or it would be tossed into the bin - I am in organising mode, needing to be focused on what I keep and what I have to say goodbye to, including scraps of this and that.

The choice of Flat Matte Sprays came about because of a raspberry colour vintage silk blouse. The fragments of fabric on the collage are from the blouse and the other "random", a piece of paper cardboard which I had brushed off excess Plaid Folkart Rust Finish - I often wonder why I keep so many scraps and I realise this is why!


That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set Lynne's Affirmations Set 1 (butterfly)
That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set ATCoin Set 11
Carabelle Studio Art Stamp Stitched Mixed Media Background
That's Crafty! Flat Matte Sprays: Blackberry, Redwood, Raspberry, Walnut
That's Crafty! Pearl Ink: Antique Gold
That's Crafty! Mediums Gesso White
That's Crafty! Multi-Purpose Craft Adhesive
That's Crafty! Surfaces MDF Panel 6 x 6 Pack of 3
Plaid Folkart Painted Rust Finish Kit
Archival Ink Jet Black 
watercolour/cotton rag paper
scraps of silk
sewing machine


When applying Gesso to a panel that will become a background, I like to apply the Gesso randomly, this creates interest with the subsequent layers of sprays.  Once the Gesso was dry (in no time!) it was a matter of layering the Flat Matte Sprays, starting with Raspberry before moving to Redwood,.
I know it's not very interesting but thought I would share some photos of this process. Just to add, I don't use a heat tool and I am not one to labour over waiting for the spray colour to dry before adding another layer.

Other than the initial spray of Raspberry, most spray colour was focused on the central area.
The final spray colours used, Walnut and Blackberry.

  The scrap of book text had previously been stained with walnut ink crystals.

Also, the piece of "rusted" paper cardboard was another floating piece, deciding to pair them up for this collage.  At this stage, I knew that scrap and the butterfly needed more to support it so I turned to the Stitched Mixed Media background stamp which I had out for a previous collage.

Onto the same type of paper as the collage, with the same sprays, I inked up the stamp, not really concerned about which areas of the stamp I inked up, tearing into three pieces which were machine stitched to the background panel along with the stamped butterfly and "rusted" paper.

I then selected the word daydream from the That's Crafty! ATCoin Set 11, it seemed apt for the butterfly image, layering the stamped word with a piece of crinkled wax paper, also adding two more pieces of this paper to the collage, you can almost see them, placed vertically.

After adhering the collage to the MDF panel, dipping my fingers into That's Crafty! Antique Gold Pearl Ink, dabbing onto the background, although not too evident on the photos, it brings a beautiful shimmer and also another layer to the collage.

If new to the Pearl Inks, ensure you shake well before use and possibly in-between use.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit this post.



  1. This is so beautiful dear friend, the raspberry spray creating a lovely light of life and the find of the old vintage silk is so wonderful a companion to it.
    Your long forgotten butterfly is having such a gorgeous new home here ! <3 xxx

  2. Gorgeous . The blackberry and raspberry tones add a lovely warmth to the finished piece . x


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