Sunday 25 August 2019

Thoughts by Lynne Moncrieff


Something I like to do is prepare backgrounds, with no actual plan for them, simply enjoying the process of playing and knowing, whether it is days or many months time, that I will eventually reach for a particular background and this was one of those times.

The colour palette is not my "norm" but the touches of green, I hope, are representative of nature.


That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set Lynne's Carved Leaves Set 2
That's Crafty! Clear Stamp Set ATCoin Set 11
Carabella Studio Art Stamp Stitched Mixed Media Background
That's Crafty! Surfaces MDF Panel Size 6x6 Pack of 3
That's Crafty! Surfaces Rice Paper
That's Crafty! Multi-Surface Paints: Black, Grey, White
That's Crafty! Mediums Gesso  White
PaperArtsy Fresco Finish Chalk Paints Tinned Peas
Archival Ink Jet Black 
Gel Medium
Walnut Sewing Thread and Sewing Machine
Watercolour/Rag Paper


This is the panel which had been prepared with That's Crafty! Multi-Surface Paints and touches of Fresco Tinned Peas. When applying the paints I either applied with my fingers, with palette knife, almost scraping the paint on and off the paper and also in areas, diluting paint with water.

This stamp from the Carved Leaves Set 2 was stamped onto Rice Paper. I decided to almost rub the ink pad over the stamp, knowing this would give me a softer result. If I had inked the stamp "correctly", I had the feeling the black would be far too harsh for the end result I was aiming to achieve.

With a watercolour brush, a water line was "painted" around the stamped leaf, allowing to pull away excess Rice Paper, creating a lovely feathered edge.

The leaf was machine stitched to the paper panel. 

Onto a scrap of the same prepared background, partially inking up the Carabelle Stamp to provide some detail to layer to the panel. One long strip machine stitched to the background with smaller elements cut into "tiles", one layered over the long strip.

The others form detail on lower left corner, with a stamped word, taken from one of the "go to" stamp sets, ATCoin Set 11, perfect for adding words to your art. I selected the word "thought", layering to the stem of the leaf.

The panel now ready to adhere to a That's Crafty! MDF Panel, which you have probably guessed by now, I find to be indispensable.

Thank You so much for taking the time to stop by.


  1. Dear Lynne, I like the use of the green , it surely say nature, together with your beautiful leaf and stamped scraps of paper, and even you used black throughout the panel , it radiates so much light and lightest of green ,that I at once am transported to next spring. I love this dear friend. xxx

  2. So lovely to see the touches of green on your artwork Lynne. The layered details look gorgeous and the leaf looks wonderful stitched on.
    Fliss xx

  3. The LOVE is real for this exquisite piece , Lynne ❤️ x


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