Saturday 13 July 2019

Get out the Bleach by Helen Chilton

I've made a card this week using PaperArtsy Infusions and bleach. It always fascinates me to see how the bleach reacts with the colour on the page and what effects are produced.

I've used some Prima stamps to stamp up a collage using Ranger Archival ink (use this or Stazon):

Then get out the Infusions, sprinkle liberally and spritz:

You get a bit of a murky, grungy result but don't panic!

Then comes the bleach - I use basic thick bleach and an old paintbrush - don't use a good one as it eats up the bristles. Also cover yourself up as you don't want stray blobs of bleach on your clothes. Remember to work in a well ventilated area.

I've worked on glossy and matte cardstock here just to show you the different effects of the bleach. It takes more colour out of the matte cardstock. 

I actually chose to use the glossy cardstock as I liked the way some colour was left behind. You might need to apply bleach more than once on the glossy and then let it sit for a while as it does its thing.

Just embellish to finish off.

Prima Cling Mounted Stamps: La Mode, Romanticism
PaperArtsy Infusions

So, why not give this technique a go - it's really quick and simple but effective.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful artwork Helen and the bleach effect is very effective to show up some of the pretty elements on here.
    Great technique.
    Fliss xx


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